It's that time again...although I can't really believe it. Maybe I don't want to believe it?
There was a time when every Christmas entailed the required "update letter", with all of the boring details of our lives crammed into a measly page, stuffed into a generic card. Then came the photo card, which took the writing out of Christmas, and kept it to a picture and holiday wish. This year.....this year will be different. Shutterfly (who has been my go-to online resource for Christmas photo cards and gifts) now offers a "Christmas story card"....actually, hundreds of these cards (click here for their story card selection). Of course, they also have hundreds of standard photo cards and other photo gifts such as calendars. The thing I love about Shutterfly is that they are competitively priced, always on time, and their product is amazing. All that scrapbooking I do? Pictures are provided courtesy of none other than Shutterfly.
In the interest of keeping the design a surprise, I'm not going to post my final version here. But, I'm confident that after looking at the site, you will know that they're going to be beautiful!
Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up: